
monday, monday (nah nah, nah nah nah nah)

welcome to another week.

the fine city of norwich is doing some road work on our road. they've been at it for 3 days and who knows when they'll be done. we live on a dead end street, about the length of a football field (maybe shorter? i'm really not a sports fan, so i don't know :b). the folks at the end of the street were having issues where all the water running down the road toward the river seemed to pool in their yard/driveway/basement.

so they complained enough and that got the public works dept on the job. they started the process last wednesday, started digging thursday, did a little work friday am and now they're back. a neighbor said that they're just replacing some piping that's under the road. didn't know that would take more than 3 days??? maybe the guys have just realized that if they work too efficiently, they'll work themselves out of a job! and may i mention that each time the crew comes out they have 3 dump trucks, a little skidloader (on a trailer), and a big pickup truck full of junk, and about 10 people. they spend most of the day backing up & down the road to make room for the different vehicles to get to the work area...did i mention it's a short AND NARROW road? oh well. i'm just glad they're not dicking around with our driveway area. their 'work' really isn't inconvenincing me, other than just listening to the 'beep beep beep' when they back up.

my weekend was pretty much a waste. i just couldn't get motivated to do much. we all know what i did on friday night :) saturday after the kids went down for a nap, i went shopping. hit kohls, old navy, and home depot.
home depot: new ceiling fan for cade's room (it's white but i'm going to spray paint parts of it red & blue, we hope to do a sports theme in there...if that fails, we'll do it patriotic :b every navy family needs a patriotic room!); new light fixture for living room ceiling fan (we broke the current one--playing ball in the house, oops!) and i hate it anyway); new shower curtain rod for the master bath (this is stainless steel w/ white ends and it matches our fixtures, woohoo). i spent about $115 there.
kohl's: 4 long sleeved shirts for reese (they all look the same, but in different colors...$8 each); a dalmation costume for cade that will have to go back b/c it's HUGE on the poor boy, he will be a frog in reese's old costume :); a sweater for reese with poofballs on the strings of the hood (we're already missing one poof. arg)...about $45 spent here.
old navy: (i went crazy here!) 3 pairs of pants for me (1 trouser, 2 prs jeans--the trousers are going back and one pair of jeans are going back...they just look too sloppy); a zip up hoodie for me; yoga pants for me (both on sale!); a black tank to go under the hoodie; a pair of jeans for reese that are going back, they are her size but they're just HUGE on her, ugh. spent $120 here.

so yeah, i blew some $$$ this weekend but i imagine about $40-50 of it will be returned. i rarely try clothes on in dressing rooms anymore. it's just easier to try it on in my bed room than deal with the guard at teh dressing room door (at old navy). and i can't believe i couldn't find any clothes for the kids at ON. the girls stuff was just ugly, imo. and the employees were having a pow-wow in front of the toddler boy stuff so i couldn't browse. the kids have enough clothes anyway. oh, i did buy one more thing for reese:


that describes her personality perfectly these days. maybe replace the w with a b occasionally.

better go get showered while cade (the snot machine) is sleeping. i tried wiping his nose today and he turned his head so he has a streak of dried snot from nose up to his right eyebrow. it looks like glue, the skin under it is wrinkly. should be fun cleaning him up after he wakes up.

both the kids fell asleep after 9pm last night but were up shortly after 6. i think they wake up b/c rob is the noisiest fucking nose blower in the world. starts out normal volume, then turns into big honks as he clears the crap out. by the time he's done both kids are awake and up for the day. and he eats the stinkiest things. my nose is still sensitive after having the kids...i didn't know my preggo nose would morph into my mommy nose :/ anyway, he eats that quick-heating rice in a bag crap with tuna. puke puke puke. the smell keeps me upstairs and i call his cell phone downstairs to ask him to light a candle. the strong LEMON candle that i usually save for after cooking fried foods. rob also likes hot wings...whenever he eats those, all i can smell is the vinegar they use in the hot sauce. it practically burns my nose.

anyway, off to go do something...shower, laundry, call the vet, call my brother (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!), survive til rob gets home around 4. think up something for dinner :) what a fulfilling day!!!


Strong Enough said...

Sarah, you are such a trip. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Twisted Cinderella said...

Sounds like a great time! Trying stuff on at the store is a exercise is depression! the way I see it, if I wanted to be depressed Id go visit my mom, not shop!