
3 beers later...

i passed out. yep, 36 oz of killian's red and i'm a goner. actually i was pretty dizzy after the first bottle. but it was fun. i've never done bathtime 1/2 drunk! i was a lot more relaxed :)

i laid down on our bed to wait for reese to konk out in her bed and next thing i know, rob is turning off the tv and it's almost 2am. so i did get some rest, although this morning i smell beery. yuck.

reese enjoyed her 2nd day of school yesterday. i snuck into the room as they were doing their goodbye song and when reese saw me, she ran to me yelling, 'mommy!!' with a big smile on her face. so much better than last time when she saw me & started crying b/c she didn't want to go home. we talked a lot during the week about how she should be happy to see mommy & daddy b/c we're happy to see her, etc. etc...i guess it worked. or else the teachers gave her a bit more warning this time.

they're working on the 'sp' sound (like in spoon) and so they did a spot picture. i think they took those bingo markers and just marked up a piece of paper. lol...it doesn't take much to impress a 3 year old. now she's bugging ME to do it again. ack! i don't have any bingo markers so i guess i'll have to cut up a sponge...hopefully we have some paint around here. otherwise i'll have to use glue & food coloring. the good news is that reese has been saying 'sp' correctly, so she knows this one :)

cade is teething like an i don't know what. for the last 3 days he's been walking around with his hand stuffed in his mouth, whining/crying. he has to be the slowest teether i've ever seen. a few times he had his hand stuffed in there so deep that i heard him gag. if he pukes, rob will be cleaning him up. i've kind of had my fill of him over the last 3 days, cade is very mommy-centric. he orbits me like the sun. (sarah=sun goddess? maybe :))

here's how i'm monitoring reese's tv viewing...we have a 9' tv that she watches in the living room and then around the corner in the kitchen we have a 15' flat screen tv. i just tune both to the same channel and viola...i know what she's watching. of course, now i know WAY too much about clifford, sesame street, and dora. gives us discussion topics though. it's like an oral book report.

yesterday was very busy. i space out my errands so we don't get bored during the rest of the week. but yesterday, we were on the run all day. (which is why we had beer & pizza for dinner. the kids had milk, don't worry;))

--9am: sarah to the doctor for a sore middle finger. and no, it's not from flipping off all those RI drivers that visit CT...doc says it's a neuroma? neurtoma? something not serious, but she's sending me for xrays to rule out anything serious. she'll call me if it is serious, otherwise follow up with my primary doc in 2 or 3 weeks if it's still bothering me. just like a navy doc should, she prescribed vitamin m. 800 mg motrin :) it doesn't really hurt that bad and i think the pills ARE BIGGER than any prenatal vitamin i've ever seen. bad news: i have both kids with me so i'll have to come back for the xray after rob gets home.
--11:45: after letting reese watch 'frosty the snowman' to kill a bit of time at home, we head 6 miles to school so i can drop off reese. funny, these 6 miles take about 15 minutes and involve 2 bridges.
--12:30: get back home, get cade eating lunch. he's crabby b/c he didn't have a nap. for lunch: peach yogurt and cold mac & cheese (our micro's doing weird things). oh, and cade added some mucas to his meal, his nose would not stop running. yuck.
--1:15: cade's asleep, rob's home, and reese is still at school. i run back to the base hospital so i can get the xray.
--2pm: done with the xray, head to my salon to get my brows done. woohoo, my stylist can do it! she's such a sweetie :)
--2:30: fill up rob's car with cheap gas from the gas station next to reese's school. buy star magazine (they were out of people & i needed some gossip!!!), a 32 oz fountain root beer, & 2 snack packs of chips ahoy. i head up the road to reese's school and hang out in my car, reading gossip (which revolves around angelina jolie's sex life & little richie's weightloss) and drinking pop and eating cookies. in silence. ahhhhhh.
--3pm: pick up reese, meet another mom who's son is in class with reese, bribe reese to the car with a cookie. (yes there are some left, i only ate 1 snack pack.)
--4pm: get home and rob immediately leaves for home depot. couldn't he have taken a kid with him? we have 2! arg.
--5:30pm: pick up dinner (pizza & beer). consume mass quantities. let kids run around like freaks on the deck. (cade with only a diaper on :b)

almost done, just have to tell you about reese. she is so cute when she's talking on the phone. yesterday was my dad's birthday and she sang happy birthday to him on the phone. she pronounced every word perfectly and grandpa was very happy :)

reese is now bugging me to do more spot pictures. guess i'll go whip up some spotting materials. :)



Dana said...

I had no idea you had a blog!!! Really, there should be some sort of announcement or something. ; )

Oh yeah, I think 3 beers would about do me in these days as well. I'm not the party animal I once was. lol

It sounds like you had a busy day. I always feel so good when I get a lot accomplished. : )

Heather said...

Sarah, you are such a trip. LOL I love reading your ramblings. :)