
happy birthday honey!

35 years ago today, a little japanese woman named sachiko gave birth to a 10 lb baby whom she named robert. who would have thought he'd grow up and be where he is today? married to a white woman with 3 kids, a mortgage, 2 cars, and a cat and a dog. ha! happy birthday, rob!

in honor of his birthday we decided to purchase a george foreman grill. i wanted one that could be used outside because i hate the smell of cooking meat in the house, seems like that greasy smell lingers forever indoors. this arrived on friday and i talked rob into opening it on saturday. i couldn't wait for his birthday today. we christened the grill yesterday. i had a turkey burger (with the bun! i'm weaning myself off of weight watchers.) and rob had filet mignon. my parents had shipped him an order of omaha steaks last week for his birthday. i know i don't feed him enough meat so he has to dose himself occasionally. *rolleyes*

anyway, it worked well and rob didn't smell like a big charcoal briquette afterward..always a plus. the turkey burger turned out yummy, too. i really want to find some salmon steaks and try those out on there. i LOVE salmon, but i haven't been shopping in a store with a seafood counter lately. and the one superwalmart i was in that had one, smelled like someone left a dead fish out. i didn't think it was safe to get seafood from such a stinky place. ugh. i also want to try doing veggies on there too. i think maybe i bought the grill for rob so i could eat healthier. hm. oh well. kind of funny that i bought him a little dirt devil vacuum that is used for computers, keyboards, and the tight spots of a car. seems like we'll both be able to use that too.

and a little update on cade...after talking with a college friend who went through the same things with their 3 year old son, i think i'm going to research preschools/daycares for cade. i'm thinking just 3 mornings a week? i haven't gotten any further on research other than telling myself that it might be ok if i let him out of my sight. funny how on the day i decide this, he's having a pretty good day behavior-wise.

and of course, since we're decided to take on this extra expense, now is the time for a neighbor to invite me to an arbonne party. i've never tried arbonne before but it seems that my dark circles and bags under my eyes get a little worse looking everyday. so this party is coming at a time when i'm feeling a little old & desperate. and yes, i'm only 31 but these kids have run me so ragged that i think i look about 41. i'm overdue for a cut & color too. and an eyebrow wax and pedicure. maybe i won't need a costume for halloween after all!

1 comment:

*Darcie* said...

Wow! I havent really been checking my friends blogs like I should!! guess i have some reading to do huh!! I know what you mean about the feeling old part!! Hope the Arbonne works!!

and Happy Birthday to rob!! a couple days late of course!!!