
spring is almost here

and where the heck have i been?!?!? geez.

can you believe that i had to have my blog password reset? i could not remember what it was for the life of me. now i doubt i'll really write in here much more than usual, but at least i can comment on other people's blogs. yay!

it's been a long winter and spring is taking it's own sweet time finally getting here. the crocus & daffodils are blooming but the last 5 days have been cloudy and about 45 degrees. i guess cold days like that make you even more thankful for those blooming bulbs.

the kids are great. our youngest is probably officially pottytrained. she's wearing underwear all day, keeping diapers dry almost every night, and running herself to the potty when she needs to. so now i have almost a full package of pullups leftover. and yes, i'm kind of irritated, those things are $15 a pack and of course i had to rip open the package so she could have the ones with the princesses on the tummy instead of the ones from target with the goofy little girls on them. our neighbor has volunteered to take them off my hands, her 3 year old SON is still in diapers.

rob is traveling more these days. lucky for him he gets to be in washington state for 3/4 of the kids' spring break. he gets back on april 10, the kids go back to school on april 14. and with the jet lag he'll go through, i'm sure he'll be pretty much worthless for 2 of those days. he is only gone for 2 weeks, as opposed to 6+ months, so i'll pipe down on the complaining...but i really think spring break is going to be anything but a break for me :/ it's 3 weeks away anyway, so here i am wasting so much energy dreading it when it's not even til next MONTH. that makes it sound even farther away.

i'll make a better effort this spring to bore you all to death with more frequent posts. sounds like a fun goal for me, for sure!

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