
the 'bobeara gets smart

i've been having all sorts of deep thoughts lately. i wouldn't call them epiphanies, but for someone who tends toward selfishness (me ;)), they're pretty big.

an example...

after dealing with cade's rotten attitude all day, after cooking and serving and cleaning up a homemade dinner, after bathing all the kids and having at least 2 loads of laundry to look forward to after the kids' bedtime, i was a little touchy. rob knew i was grouchy but pointed out that he had at least read a book to the kids. (wasn't that so thoughtful of him??? i do all the legwork and he gets the cuddles? yeah, i thought so too.)

i started a load of laundry, still angry, then went up to the sofa to read & listen to my ipod. i needed some down time while i stewed in my anger.

after about 5 minutes of not being able to focus on the book b/c of my anger, i realized how thankful i should be that i have all of this work to do. after that little thought popped in my head, my balloon of anger also popped...thankful that my kids are healthy and home in their comfortable warm beds....thankful that my husband was home and ready to read them a book and kiss them goodnight...thankful that we have a working washer and dryer in our basement so that i can sit around and read a book...thankful for this body that can carry loads of laundry up and down the stairs.

my anger disappeared and i enjoyed the rest of the evening with my book. i let rob suffer a little longer however. i apologized for my behavior at bedtime though ;)

usually there are so many times during the day when i think about all that i HAVE to get done, and no one to help me do them. i begin to get resentful, it seems that all my time goes toward chores or encouraging potty time or reminding reminding reminding the kids to finish their chores or pick up their toys. with that teeny thought last night still in my head this morning, i'm going to try to remember that it is with a thankful heart i get to cook a healthy meal for my family, i get to encourage independence in my two year old, i get to teach my children about picking up after themselves and contributing as a member of the family. just one little thought is all it took.

what are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Thank you. I needed this.