
so that's what they look like...

i was in the shower and had just finished using my mesh sponge when i saw the cord was all tangled up. i couldn't just hang it up like that, things need to be squared away in my world, so i untangled the cord and the whole thing fell apart. crap.

but i put a positive spin on my mishap, and turned it into a learning experience. did you know that those things are one long strip of circular netting? seems like it should be useful for something. i don't know what....any suggestions on how to reuse that?

the whole thing is about 7 feet long in the bottom picture, it would probably stretch to 8.5 feet if it was taut.

we went on an emergency run to target (ha! emergency my ass, i came home with 3 pairs of shorts, one top for myself, one bra--also for myself, a big box of diapers--not for me, and some cookies and snacks for the kids) where i purchased a new purple "puff". i shall try to resist untangling any future knots in the cord.

what are they called anyway? do they have a formal name? i've heard puffs, boofahs, mesh sponges...what do you call yours? and what color is it?


The Nanny said...

I've only ever heard "loofahs," and I have a pink one. And a blue one. And a white one. Actually, 2 white ones. I think I have too many.

ANYWAY, ummm maybe use it as a fishing net??? :-)

Catherine said...

It's a "shower scrubby thingy" in our house. Mine's blue and Steve's is green like your unraveled one. :o)