
reflections of a saturday

not much to report on today. yesterday sucked. really sucked. it was one of those days when you're counting the seconds until bedtime.

a lot it was my fault. i should have taken the kids out to play but the bugs were biting and i really thought it would start pouring any second, so we stayed inside. the kids pestered me for food and uno games all afternoon. i started supper early just to get the whole bedtime process over a bit faster. the kids were tucked in and quiet by 8:15. thank god.

i've realized that even when i don't feel like it, i NEED to get these kids outside everyday, otherwise they will drive me crazy. even on a good day, i've about had it by bathtime but last night i just wanted to hose them down and throw them into bed, dripping and screaming.

after they were in bed, i medicated myself with ice cream and a movie. then i felt guilty about eating way too much ice cream, i turned to fitTV and found they were showing namaste yoga so i tried that. it was really quite fun; i didn't feel enlightened or reborn but i did feel refreshed. and i don't think i'm as flexible as i thought i was. my hamstrings were quite stubborn. anyway, i'm going to try and make it a nightly thing. if nothing else, i might sleep better.

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