
it's been a while. get over it.

it's been a while.

a long while.

but we're all still alive. we've all survived the move.

we stayed in the apartment in georgia for about a month and then we found a house to rent in northern florida. i think we're all settled in the house, but we have about a dozen boxes in the garage that i don't think will ever be unpacked. rob has conveniently stacked them up against the far wall and then shoved more stuff up against it, so i guess we're all unpacked now. there's still a few things i haven't found yet...like our rugs from the kitchen. those are the only things that come to mind. rob thinks he's lost a few things but those were just victims of me 'organizing' in the days before our move.

reese has started K and she's doing really well. she enjoys school but i have some reservations about her teacher. i think her teacher is doing the minimum and i guess i got used to reese's pre-K teacher who did way more than the minimum. all the K classes at reese's school are way over on teacher-student ratio and they have enough students to create TWO more K classes. (wow. that's a lot of 5 year olds!) so i volunteered reese to move to one of the new classes. i hope that i'm not moving her to someone who is a worse choice than mrs. R.

elisha is now mobile. she's WALKING...even though she doesn't like to broadcast it. if we're going the same direction in the house, she always looks to me for 2 hands to help her. she just started this a few weeks ago and i have to say she's the laziest walking baby i've ever seen. she's still decided that crawling is faster so that's the preferred mode i guess. she's also calling for me, which i'm already tired of. i hear 'ma!' 'ma!' 'ma!' until she sees me. and she does this cute shrug thing with her hands when i ask 'where's daddy?' i'm trying to get video of it and she's resisting me.

cade is still being a shit. it's better since he's turned 3 but he's still a shit. elisha is already learning to stand up for herself. when he takes a toy from her she screeches and smacks him. they really do love each other, i just wish he wasn't so hands on with her. he loves to rub her head or hug her, but i don't think he knows his own strength. i guess it's ok, elisha doesn't have bruises on her, right?

the newest development concerns my husband. yesterday was his appointment for a vasectomy. both of us were a little bummed but we realize that 3 kids is really ALL we need (and then some!). i've told rob that i think the reason i'm a little sad is because we're no longer in 'having babies' mode, we're in 'raising babies' mode. and i'm fine with it b/c i was a miserable pregnant woman and a witch as a new mother (to all but the baby of course ;)). so it's probably safest for all mankind to stop having babies now. so rob is hobbling around a bit, but he's already feeling better. he's feeling good enough to go hang out and play playstation, anyway.

we're starting daisy scouts this morning. so i better go hop in the shower for that. i haven't shaved my legs all week and what kind of mom would i be if i showed up with my legs all stubbly? actually, they'd probably volunteer me for camping with the girls if i showed up all stubbly!

1 comment:

The Nanny said...

Yay for updating! That video of Elisha is TOO CUTE :-)