
the decision is...

this morning rob received orders to go to iraq.

i can't believe my husband, a submariner, is supposed to go to the desert for a year.

there's still a chance the detailer could turn this around. rob has been playing phone tag with him, but i'm not sure the detailer has enough authority to change this.

his departure date is jan 22nd 2006. return date is july 22nd 2007.

still in denial.


Heather said...

Oh Sarah. I am so, so sorry. That just plain sucks. I will keep every finger crossed that the detailer can come up with something.

Dana said...

Oh no!!! I am so sorry. I agree with Heather, that just SUCKS!! I am saying lots of prayers that the detailer can get Rob out of it.

Are there really no support systems set up for cases like this? That stinks!!

Big hugs coming your way,