

it's strange, i spend a lot of my time WAITING for things. waiting for naptime, waiting for reese to get off the bus, waiting for bedtime. waiting for rob to get back. waiting for school to be out for the summer. waiting for us to move to DC.

i'm tired of waiting, let's just get on with it already!!! especially the part where rob comes back! :) i haven't heard any bad reports from the tennessee so i guess that's good news. we have a family group meeting tonight, so hopefully we'll learn a bit more. i can't share it here of course.

it will be good to have him home. i think.

i've finally gotten used to sleeping alone in my bed though. and i've gotten used to having the whole bathroom to myself. and to having a tidy vanity in the bathroom (the man loves clutter around his sink! arg!). and i really don't miss doing all the extra laundry...although my kids have been so messy the last week that i have a lot of laundry ANYWAY. which reminds me, i need to add oxyclean to my shopping list.

i think the best part of having him home will be that daddy is back. the kids love rough-housing with him and that's something that i just don't do well. i'm one of those people who bruise easily ;) and i'm so excited to get some time to myself. not so much time alone but just so i'm not the only one in charge. i really miss going out for a bike ride with just one of the kids, or just taking the dog for a walk. i've been kind of a lump, really, when it comes to exercise during this separation. my one option for serious cardio is to do a program on the treadmill out in the garage, after the kids go to sleep for the night. i've been able to do that once in the last 2 months. ONCE.

what usually happens is that after they're finally tucked in, i'm too exhausted to do the treadmill. or 2 of the kiddos go right to sleep but then one of them is stubborn and stays up for another hour. i'm one of those people who hates to get interrupted when i'm focused on something (aren't we all like that to some extent?) so i need to know that they're all asleep and won't come creeping out to the garage to bug me.

and since i'm really good at coming up with excuse NOT to exercise, let me add that i have 2 blisters on my pinky toe this week. for some reason the sandals that i've worn for the last year decided to rub my toe the wrong way. and of course my kids step on my feet half as much as they step on their own, so my poor toe is feeling pretty abused. i didn't want to aggravate him further.

i don't know what excuse i'll use when my toe heals up. what excuses have you used to avoid exercise?

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