
just some jabber

some miscellaneous items...

my mom had hip replacement surgery a few weeks ago. she has been suffering with arthritis in her right hip for the last 20 years and this last year had been horrible for her. when she and dad came down for christmas, she was walking with 2 canes and it seemed like she was having a hard time managing her pain with pills.

the surgery went ok, but when the new joint was put in, her femur shattered so it was necessary for the surgeon to band her femur around the prosthesis with additional metal wraps. it means she cannot put any weight at all on that foot for another 6 weeks. she'll have to go in for a bone density scan, turns out osteoporosis has begun and that is why her femur was so weak. so, i went out and bought myself the eco-size of
viactive calcium chews and i'm taking them faithfully so far. (follow the link and print out the coupon!!!)

if she's going to go through the pain & suffering, i can at least learn from her experience and try to avoid it.


this is reese. isn't she cute? she's been growing out her hair for the last 6 months and now she thinks she wants a haircut.

this is the haircut she wants to go back to. this is from june of '07 when she turned 5. she's had the bob since she turned 3. it was adorable when she was 3 and 4, but now she's getting older and i'm not sure i can go back.

she's getting tired of the hair in her face and having me pull her hair back every morning. does she realize that she'll have to get her bangs trimmed all the time? and that means more money out of my pocket and another appointment to keep?

i'm kind of undecided on it. maybe i'll braid her hair and see what she thinks about it.

rob has become a running fool. he's training for this and thinks that we'll be using the shuttle buses to see him cross the finish line.

keep in mind that that the shuttles run from 5am til 7am. and none of the locations are anywhere close to us. did i mention i have 3 kids??? 3 kids before 7am in the cold just so we can see a sweaty rob finish his race. he's only doing the 1/2 marathon (which is impressive, i'm not knocking that) but i think i'd rather have dental work performed on me than do this.

but to actually tell him i don't want to go would really hurt his feelings. so i'm hoping for a stomach flu to visit our house that weekend.


i'm still resisting re-joining weight watchers. i feel like i'm eating all the time and most of the time i do it when i'm stressed. so it's purely by luck that i've only gained about 2 lbs in the last 3 months that i've been off the program. i'm trying sparkpeople, maybe hoping that having to track it all will slow me down.

unfortunately, those damn ready to bake cookies always get me. ugh...why does my body want those???

my jeans are feeling a little tight in the thighs & butt. still wearable, just a little tight. so i need to get out & get moving as well as stop eating crap.

i don't know how i resisted chocolate for so long. hm.

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