
the ultimate challenge

my children hate me. they know that when i was younger (and skinnier and smarter) i loved sleeping. on weekends, i wouldn't get up til at least 10am...during the week, waking around 8 was early for me.

during the last week, reese & cade have both been up around 5:45 am. and if they're awake, you KNOW they're going to wake the baby. i honestly feel like this is some sort of competition...who can last longest with the least amount of sleep. the worst part is that after i tuck them into bed each evening, i seem to get my second wind and often end up staying awake til at least 11pm. add in several interruptions each night from elisha (who is still sleeping in bed with me) and the kids are in danger of winning this one.

just another reason we need to get our asses moved down to georgia...i can't hold on much longer.

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