
august? now? already?

somehow it's august already? how did that happen?

today marks 37 weeks of pregnancy. and i'm finally starting to feel it. i'm getting little stabbing pains in my lower abdomen whenever i bend over too far and pretty much too pissy to be around. the weather is not helping. although who ever heard of an august when it was nice and cool? just part of my pennance for not planning this pregnancy, i guess. if i had to do it again, i would plan on giving birth in late may/early june. not too many months of summer, but you can still wear most of your non-maternity winter clothes.

because of the 100 degree weather this week, we've pretty much spent the whole week inside. no wonder i'm going crazy! btwn the kids and having to stare at this mess (which refuses to clean itself), i'm lucky i haven't locked myself in the bathroom for a few hours of peace & quiet. the kids are at least napping daily...even reese. so i do get some quiet time. my husband tells me to go somewhere and he'll watch the kids, but that really doesn't sound like an improvement. i'll go somewhere, stuck among annoying strangers (who i shouldn't yell at, even though they're in MY way), i'll spend some $$$ on something we don't really need, and then have to haul it in the house when i get home. oh, and who knows what condition the house will be in when i return. my husband's version of 'watching the kids' is let them ransack the house while he watches baseball and surfs the internet. men really don't get it, do they?

we've come up with a name for the baby...jane doe. honestly. this really might be her name. we are unable to agree on anything these days, much less a name for our 3rd. i still like naomi. and using jean or lynn/lin would be cool. i also told him to pick something japanese for a middle name to honor his mom's memory/history. but still nothing. i have a feeling the baby name book will be coming with us to the hospital. first time EVER, by the way.

not really sure how our birth plan is going to work. birth plan, meaning "what we're going to do with the other 2" when i'm in labor. my due date is 8/25. reese was 2 weeks overdue and cade was 6 days overdue. so this one will be what...4 days overdue? my parents, who have been in town for each birth so far, aren't leaving til 8/29. (my mom feels like she must be there to do some part of job, arg.) it's usually a 2 or 3 day trip for them so hopefully they can get here by 8/31. and i'm telling my uterus that we're holding out for 9/1. no offense to anyone with august birthdays but i prefer the sapphire to what is it...aquamarine? peridot? yellow-greenish stone i think. a petty reason, i know.

however, the doc's wheel is always wrong for me anyway. even though she was 2 weeks late, reese was a normal size and she was still covered in vernix, which i don't think she would have had if she was really 2 weeks late. cade was huge for 6 days late...but i think he would have been huge anyway. he's just a big chubby kid (and i love him to pieces). so who knows. it's all a crap shoot, i guess. i'm just hoping that my water breaks and i don't have to make the decision to go to the hospital. last time that happened i showed up at the hosptial at 8 cms. with cade, my water broke at 5am and it was kind of calming, knowing that the baby WOULD arrive on that day.

so anyway, enough baby stuff. which means i have nothing else to talk about for now. :)

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