
it has been a while...

time is passing slowly at the bobeara household, yet i still manage to avoid updating the blog. am i good or what?

so here you go, here's the goods...

rob is no longer going to iraq. the detailer worked his mojo and now rob will be in the netherlands for 4 months. this is definitely an improvement...i'll take dutch people in a war free zone any day! rob will be a student in the dutch perisher course. all i can equate it to is like a foreign exchange student program for submariners. he goes over there and is immersed in how they run their subs. they use diesel subs so it should be quite interesting for rob. in fact, he's over there now doing the introduction to the course. i hope to be picking him up at the airport in 8 days. then he'll leave again ON MY BIRTHDAY (! ack! what horrible timing the navy has!) to start the actual course. gradution is set for july 5th so he should be home by our anniversary (july 7th). all i can say is that i better get a damn good anniversary present!

and speaking of horrible timing...we've recently found out we'll be adding another bobeara to our family! this was very unexpected, we were planning on trying for #3 in a year or 18 months. i'm still enjoying sleeping through the night so the knowledge that i'll have to give that up in the next 9 months just hurts. really hurts. and another pain...i still recall how much it hurt to be in labor with cade. so i guess i didn't wait long enough between babies. usually women have forgotten all that pain by the next time they get pregnant.

baby #3 is due 8/31/06 but with my cervix of steel i would expect him on about 9/4/06. i refuse to even try to hold out til my dad's birthday (9/9). i have been thinking about the positives with this baby. this baby will be born when cade is 25-26 months old, which is the same age span btwn reese and cade. so we'll have had a baby every 25 months. and we'll have had a baby in '02, '04, and '06. if this child is born in august, we'll have birthdays in june, july and august. and this will be the last child. so all our kids will be young together and rob & i can move on to being married with children...instead of being married and getting pregnant all the time. (i sound like i hate children. i really don't. what i hate is being pregnant. i hate the nausea i'm going through, the fact that i'm going to have to squeeze into maternity clothes...i'm just going to hate being all uncomfortable and hormonal and short-tempered...especially during july and august.) the best part: rob is getting snipped for his birthday. is that sweet revenge for carrying 3 of his big-headed kids or what?

on another front, we're getting settled in with our new dog. after almost 2 weeks of indecision we've come up with napoleon. he's a small dog but he tries to make up for it with his bark. we call him 'poley'. it was either that or nappy. he's still trying to make friends with the cat, and if he didn't chase the damn cat all over the place he'd make more progress. he's a lab mix but he's only about 30 lbs. i don't know what he's mixed with...i'd think terrier but he's completely black. i would think that some brown from the terrier would have come through. he does have short hair like a rat terrier though. no house training accidents yet, just some vomiting here and there. he wants to play too soon after eating and just urps on the floor. but even that is not so common as the first few days he was here. he's good with the kids, except he gets excited and uses them as footstools to jump off of. he's pushed cade down 3 or 4 times. cade's just going to have to either fight back or turn his back.

here he is 'eating' breakfast with the kids this morning. this was after he had gotten the rest of cade's mini-bagel.

as i type poley is trying to share the kitchen chair with me. he has his head on my leg and since cade is on my other leg, the dog is leaning on my back. he keeps on collapsing b/c he's falling asleep but he won't just go sleep on the floor. in fact, the dog has just succeeded in pushing cade off my lap. cade is not happy about the turn of events. since i suppose cade is 'of my loins' i should give him priority to my lap.

anyway, that's the update around here for now. it's taken a while to get it, but i'm sure it was worth the wait!

1 comment:

Strong Enough said...

Great update, Sarah! I'm glad that Rob isn't going to Iraq. Sorry he will be leaving on your birthday but he will be safe.

Again, Congrats on the unexpected joy that will be joining your family. I am so excited for you and look forward to all the belly pictures!

Poley is just a cutie! Lab's are great dogs with kids. We have a lab/chow mix that is just a kitty cat, the good kind. His name is Jack.

Thanks for FINALLY updating your blog. LOL :)