
the bobeara...from a-z

i got this from mrs. fun. she's a wonderful, smart woman who's lots of fun. just like her name says. :) however, i didn't ask her to 'borrow' it so i'm not going to link you up. if she'd like to be linked, i'm sure she'll let us know.

A is for Age - 29
B is for Booze - not much, just a beer here & there
C is for Career - raising the kids at home
D is for Dad’s name - Joe
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - doritos
F is for Favorite songs at the moment - 'per te' by josh groban
G is for Goof off thing to do - surf tv channels, read blogs/boards
H is for Hometown - monroe iowa
I is for Instrument you play - clarinet, saxophone, right hand piano :b
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - not really a jelly fan
K is for Kids - 1 girl (3.5), 1 boy (16 months)
L is for Living arrangement - 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house...god i wish i had a garage...
M is for Mom’s name - linda
N is for Names of best friends - dawn, michelle
O is for overnight hospital stays - tonsilectomy age 6, 2 nights with daughter, 1 night with son
P is for Phobias - bridges over water, high bridges (like I-80 through PA...eek!)
Q is for Quote you like - 'don't walk in front of me, i may not follow, don't walk behind me i may not lead; just walk in front of me & be my friend.' i remember that from my grandma's fridge magnet.
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - debbie, 14 years
S is for Siblings - 1 older brother
T is for Texas , Ever been?- san antonio on a band trip
U is for Unique trait - i have freckles. not that unique, but it's mine
V if for Vegetable you love - tomatoes (are those a fruit though? thery're in the veggie section at the store...)
W is for Worst traits - not following through on things/procrastination
X is for XRays you’ve had - teeth, right elbow, right wrist
Y is for Yummy food you make - i'm awesome at chocolate chip cookies
Z is for Zodiac sign - pisces (sp?)


Heather said...

So, who is Debbie? Am I missing something? LOL

sarahbobeara said...

:P debbie was my very first best friend...we met in preschool and it turned out we lived a mile from each other. we did overnighters, carpool, trick or treating...everything together. then in high school she went for the popularity thing...she came to my wedding and i haven'y ssen her since. :(

Heather said...

Gotcha. ;)

Strong Enough said...

It's nice to have you back in the blogging world!