
my parents have arrived! safely! my mom was pretty stressed after their trip through hartford. apparently she doesn't trust ANYONE in a car. not even the driver of the car that she is in. after almost 38 years of marriage, i guess my dad has learned to live with it. what a guy. :)

anyway, reese was beyond excited to see them. you know how terrier dogs can just bounce and bounce and bounce? well, that was reese when my parents walked through the door. i think i'm going to make her our offical welcoming committee. funny, later during bathtime i was admiring what good muscle tone reese has in her legs. wish she could inspire me, my legs could use some work.

another sewing class coming up tomorrow. hopefully it goes well :) my folks (joe & linda bobeara) are going to be watching the kids for about 1/2 an hour since rob's coming home a bit late tomorrow. so we're ordering pizza for dinner and i bet cade won't even notice i'm gone. reese won't even care. i'm thinking about doing some sewing 'extra credit'...maybe thursday nights too. only on thursday nights, i'll go to borders and grab a good book and a hot drink and read and people watch.

ooooh, i just realized that since i cleaned the tub in our bathroom today, that it's clean enough for an actual bath. woohoo! that is sounding a lot better than folding a huge load of little kid laundry.

see ya!


Heather said...

Enjoy the time with your parents and your time alone, Sarah. I am so jealous!

Strong Enough said...

Have a great time with your parents, or should I say without your kids? LOL You go, sew girl!

Melissa said...

Have fun with your parents!
I can't wait to see more sewing projects! And don't worry about the serging- I don't have a serger either. (they're expensive!!!) Just use a zig-zag stitch on the edges.